Ayurvedic PCOS Treatment
What is Infertility treatment in Ayurveda?
Infertility primarily refers to a person’s inability to contribute to conception. The case of infertility is increasing with time, which is a result of modern lifestyles. An Ayurvedic infertility treatment takes a wholesome approach addressing all the health issues of the couple seeking the treatment to ensure there is no barrier while conceiving a child or the child’s future health. In certain cases, the problem is mainly psychological, making good mental health important for tackling infertility. The ayurvedic approach works to bring a complete change for the better in the couple. Athreya Ayurvedic Center is one of the best Ayurvedic infertility treatments in Kerala.
Polycystic ovarian disease
PCOS is one of the primary reasons for infertility and definitely a curable disease as per Ayurveda clinical practice. This clinical condition is bothering ladies in their 20s & 30s & even 40s -the modern era’s reproductive ages. It comes under “Stree roga” domain in Ayurveda.

What’s going wrong in the cure of PCOS in the modern medical field?
Up to 10 % of the general population suffer from PCOS, and nearly 40 % of these invariably suffer from infertility as ovulation is challenged.
Despite modern medicine/Allopathy’s best efforts, a cure for PCOS patients is NOT a fully satisfying section. The high levels of Luteinizing hormones cause increased chances, and the occurrence of miscarriage is a disturbing trend.
Even after doing surgeries, people complain about RECURRENCE of their symptoms and also with other side effects accompanying -making life miserable.
The Good news is Ayurveda
90 % of the PCOS patients can conceive, and 95 % of them can be saved from other ailments stemming from PCOS. It takes 6 to 9 to 12 months to be cured and conceive Ayurveda has the best answer for this condition.
Things to know by anyone –
Not just those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and non-disciplined food habit are prone to PCOS but even very lean ladies can get affected too. In our clinical practice, we do get patients who may seem like PCOS but are suffering from hypothyroidism or tumours of the ovary or adrenal glands or conditions causing high levels of prolactin in the blood.
How to come to proper diagnosis
So a qualified medical practitioner must be approached for a clear cut differential diagnosis to reach a conclusive evidence-based diagnosis. A simple ultrasound abdomen pelvis will help in differentiating the tumours from ovarian cysts.
Not just the detection [ by abdomen pelvis scan ] of the presence of enlarged ovaries, more than 12 cysts of average 5 to 6 mm in ‘’ necklace pattern’’ but also blood investigations for thyroid hormones and sugar, lipid levels have significance. Ladies who are greater than 90 cms of the waistline, over 180 levels of triglycerides or high levels of blood sugar more than 110 are RED FLAGS/alarms!!
How much is your suffering?
It is not just the cosmetics style displeasure of facial hair or moustache or pimples on the face of a lady that is relevant but also the short term and long term threat that PCOS possesses for lady makes it a notorious ailment. Obesity, lack of monthly periods-leading to infertility make it unaffordable to have in the body.
The cardiovascular health going for a toss is a silent, hidden threat that needs evaluation and correction as most are ‘’ carried away ‘’ with just a gynaecological perspective of PCOS WITH ASSUMPTION OF LIMITED THREAT.
Knowing what the strategy adopted by your treating doctor is important
PCOS being a complex entity of endocrinology .. a mixture of many ailments under one umbrella, not explicitly explained by Ayurveda as a single entity .. all these necessitate any physician to consider the strategies of gynaecological issues, weight loss, antidiabetic measures, managing specific challenges of facial hair, insulin resistance, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhoea, infertility ..increasingly serious concern for ladies
It is very common to find rampant use of METFORMIN as insulin resistance is a challenge. Unfortunately, this alone does NOT help the majority. It is no secret that monounsaturated fats in nuts help combat insulin resistance.
What your treating doctor must do?
Managing the symptoms that a patient approaches a doctor is equally important as managing the potential complication of the disease that is targeted at food and lifestyle modifications as the basic pillar of the strategy.
For many, a major loss in body weight itself promotes fertility as ovulation restores. Some gynaecologists would utilise ovulation-inducing drugs to fasten up the purpose of conceiving a baby.

Red flags –BEWARE !!
Anyone in public needs to be aware of the RED FLAGS.
Recurrent miscarriage to diabetes developing in pregnancy to Type 2 diabetes in the long term to high cholesterol levels to heart diseases to worst-case uterus cancer!!!
It is such a threat in ladies that needs to be CURED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE !!!

The following are based on clinical experiences found routinely in our clinical life.
Four sorts of Special clinical experiences –
‘’HOME bound ‘’ REMEDY
Forty-five minutes of exercise –6 days a week is a minimum requirement.
It does help in regular use of Triphala powder mixed with honey, barley, Heengu- asafoetida, sesame seeds, iron tablets used with citric media, like lemon of special mention is bansouf in Hindi ( Dill seeds ) Anethum Sowa -these take care of various aspects of PCOS in a limited capacity.
Often ignored by many general physicians is the role of sources of calcium, vitamin D, Magnesium, zinc & the Vitamin B complex in the faster healing in PCOS related to the aspects of egg maturation, ovarian follicles development, weight reduction, metabolism enhancement, maintaining normal sugar levels.
Low Glycemic index is the key in food management – non-starchy vegetables and pulses are good examples. It helps to be on a two proper meal formula with a pattern of intermittent fasting.
The weekly sacrifice of 6000 calories is ideal with one day reserved for indulgence as most get complacent with ‘’strictness to oneself ‘’ while nothing can substitute any professional advice.
Yoga postures for PCOS
Sun salutation, Cobra pose, Cobbler’s pose, Lotus pose, Shoulder stance are very relevant in healing in the long run. Yoga Nidra and meditation assume a lot of significance in reducing anxiety.
What we provide
In Athreya, based on our five generations of experiences, even before your arrival, through a meticulous online telemedical consultation with the Chief physician, we try our best to help you understand WHAT can be the ROOT CAUSE of your ailment and guide you in food and lifestyle aspects modification -if the need be.
The condition may be even treatable by outpatient level OPD management though the curing pace will be slow. A thorough two weeks of Panchakarma enables a significant thrust to progress in healing.

The treatments provided by Ayurveda at Athreya are aimed at curing the disease and its NON-recurrence, and we try our best to deliver results based on the road map of recovery of your health. Therapies include Panchakarma and other modalities. There are standard protocols of therapies and also unique protocols too. Therapies are tailor-made suiting every individual as NOT ALL SIZE FITS ONE !!

We have combined traditional Ayurvedic techniques with necessary modern diagnostic methods for permanent & side effects-free treatment. We offer complete care and safety, with proper hygiene checks and safety measures to protect you from any health issues.

What is PCOS?
A hormonal disorder faced by women of reproductive age is known as PCOS. An infrequent or longer menstrual period is observed, and male hormones exceed the natural state. PCOS treatment in Kerala is a popular choice among people because of the natural treatment from Ayurveda.
Can Ayurveda cure PCOS completely?
A permanent cure from PCOS is attained with the practice of Ayurveda. Unlike other medications, Ayurveda not only manages PCOS but also provides a permanent solution. Athreya provides one of the best Ayurvedic treatments for PCOS in Kerala.
How long Ayurveda Fertility treatment take?
Ayurvedic treatments follow a holistic approach. Hence it depends on the problem the patient has before determining the duration of the treatment. The type of treatment followed would also affect the duration of the treatment. Ayurvedic infertility treatments in Kerala are found to be efficient in helping people conceive better than other treatments.
What is the difference between PCOS & PCOD?
When the ovaries release immature and or half matured eggs which turn into cysts is called PCOD. PCOD is not that dangerous as it could be controlled by proper diet and exercise. On the other hand, PCOS is when the ovaries produce higher levels of androgens, which interferes with the release of eggs and turns into cysts later. PCOS is a serious issue because of its effect on metabolic disorders and requires proper medical treatment. PCOS treatment in Ayurveda in Kerala is a popular choice among people.
How expensive is Ayurvedic fertility treatment?
Ayurvedic infertility treatments in Kerala varies according to the condition of different patients. The expense factor has to be consulted with the particular Ayurvedic physician to get a clear idea of how much it would cost you.