abc juice benefits and recipe

Benefits of ABC Juice and It’s Recipe

When we talk about detoxification, we can not miss out on the ABC juice. It is a natural detox juice that helps to cleanse your gut and also provide various benefits to the body. Of course, making any juice would result in the loss of fibre. But considering the benefits we get from the ABC juice, it’s a small sacrifice we can make.

Apple, beetroot and carrot are the A B C of the juice. A pinch of lime and ginger are added to balance out the flavour. We consider the best time to have this juice is in the morning, and if you’re consuming it daily, it is best to add more water to dilute it a little bit.


The Main Benefits of ABC Juice

benefits of ABC juice

1. ABC juice helps in weight loss 

This amazing juice is undoubtedly one of the best juices you could have in your weight loss journey. Consuming this drink cuts down fat in our body, and added ginger and lime helps in enhancing the weight loss process. Consuming ABC juice for weight loss is now a common practice and has successfully provided positive results. 

2. Helps in hydration 

All the ingredients in the juice have ample water content and also helps in keeping the body pH balance perfect. If you’re someone who finds it hard to hydrate their body, this juice is a sure way to make sure you stay hydrated and fresh.

3. Natural energy booster 

ABC juice is a natural refreshment and energy booster that gives you an amazing feeling of being energetic throughout the day. 

4. It fills you with vitamins and minerals 

Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K with zinc, copper, folate, copper, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus and niacin. In short, ABC juice can help fill up your body with nearly all the vitamins and minerals needed for you in just one single drink.

5. Improves immunity 

ABC juice naturally improves the immunity in our body, helping you to fight off diseases much more easily. The chances of getting ill are reduced, and you live a healthy life. 

6. Slows down the ageing process 

All the vitamins and minerals help in rejuvenating the body that results in delaying the ageing process. This natural way of slowing down the ageing process is considered one of the best ways to keep your body young and healthy. 

7. Improves digestion 

The ingredients in the juice are natural digestion boosters helping the betterment of gut health. All the toxins you put in your stomach are cleansed when you consume ABC juice. 

8. Makes skin better 

The detoxification properties of the ABC juice benefits for skin are obvious as it helps remove all the toxins in our body, making our skin look more healthy. 

9. It helps you control overeating 

One of the underlying benefits of ABC juice is that it helps you feel full and cramp up your hunger. This avoids the unwanted urge to munch on junk food and put more toxins inside your body. 

10. Good for the eyes and heart

Your eyes and heart would thank you when you start having ABC juice. The vitamins and minerals help in strengthening the eye muscles helping in better vision. It also helps in controlling cholesterol and keeping the blood pressure under control.

ABC Juice Recipe

Now that we have looked at the benefits of ABC juice, let’s look at how you could make this juice. 


  • 1-2 apples (depending on the size)
  • ½ of a beetroot
  • 1 whole carrot 
  • 1 tsp ginger
  • ½ of a lime 

ABC Juice Recipe:

  1. Chop the apples, beetroot and carrot 
  2. In a mixite, add the ginger and the small pieces of apples, beetroot and carrot
  3. Blend the ingredients into a smooth mixture
  4. Use a strainer to remove the lumps (a metal strainer would make the process easier)
  5. Add one cup of water (or more if you want a diluted version)
  6. Blend the strained juice with water and strain one last time
  7. Add in the lime you need for your taste 
  8. Enjoy

Pro tip: The juice tastes amazing when it’s chilled. Add 2-3 cubes of ice to make it more refreshing. 

Share this all-natural detoxifying drink with your family and loved ones to have a healthy, toxin-free life. 

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